
OL STAC v1.0.0-rc.10 is here! Check out the docs and the examples to get started. The full distribution can be downloaded from the release page.


OL STAC makes it easy to put STAC resources on a dynamic OpenLayers map. It can display geometries, GeoTIFF files, web map layers and more in an "automagical" way. It is completely free, Open Source JavaScript, released under the Apache 2.0 license.

Learn More

Quick Start

Seen enough already? Go here to get started.


Spend time learning the basics and graduate up to advanced mapping techniques.


Browse through the examples to get an impression of what is possible.

API Docs

Read through the API docs for details on code usage.

Get Involved



The development of this package was financially supported by:

Many thanks also to OpenLayers and its contributors.

If you need any help, please contact me.

Create a PR

We are always happy to receive and review pull requests to improve this library even further.