To use OL STAC in your application, the simplest way is to add it as a dependency to it:
npm install ol-stac
Afterwards, you can import the STAC Layer (Group) into your application code:
import STACLayer from 'ol-stac';
Then create the layer with either a URL (option url
as in th example) or inline JSON data (option data
const stac = new STAC({
url: '',
Now you can add the STAC layer to your map.
I'm assuming your OpenLayers map variable is named map
To center the map on the STAC bounds, you should add the following:
stac.on('sourceready', () => {
If you need support for reprojection, you also need to make proj4 available:
import proj4 from 'proj4';
import {register} from 'ol/proj/proj4.js';
For full code examples, please see the examples.